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The TidyWild Blog:

Spring Courtright
4 min read
How to Keep House While Drowning
An organizing book for everyone by KC Davis. I recommend reading or listening to it, and watching her Ted Talk (link is below) (In a...

Spring Courtright
5 min read
7 Top Tips to Overcome E-mail Overwhelm
If the number of e-mails in your inbox stresses you out, here's what experts from Digital Helpmates, the Harvard Business Review and...

Spring Courtright
6 min read
My Top 5 Tips to Declutter & Organize
How to finish decluttering projects you start... After experiencing a fast and seriously gratifying entryway clearing with a client, I...

Spring Courtright
5 min read
How to Get Organized: Start Small
Have you ever looked at your clutter and thought (or yelled): "I feel so overwhelmed!" "I don't know where to start!" "This is too hard!...

Spring Courtright
6 min read
The B*tch in my Brain
Is there a voice in your mind keeping you from being happy? Around the time I began working with life coaches and practicing meditation,...

Spring Courtright
3 min read
The Organizing Puzzle
Does your brain say, "This is too hard"? Here's a way to break through... Every day I coach people who at one time thought, "This is too...

Spring Courtright
5 min read
Declutter & Detoxify Cleaning Supplies
How to declutter cleaning supplies and move to simple, non-toxic options. Do you have more cleaning supplies than you could possibly use...

Spring Courtright
2 min read
Day 29: Kitchen Table
30 Day Spring Cleaning Challenge! Clearing the kitchen table is a big deal for health! If you can't comfortably sit at your table to eat,...

Spring Courtright
2 min read
Day 28: Fridge Magnets
30 Day Spring Cleaning Challenge! This is in cahoots with my April TidyWild kitchen organizing lesson that I just released (SO excited!...

2 min read
Day 26: Sweaters
30 Day Spring Cleaning Challenge! One option for storing sweaters (from knitter/blogger Kristen Rittig) In the Pacific Northwest we're...

1 min read
Day 24: Undergarments
30 Day Spring Cleaning Challenge! A client friend of mine recently cleared and organized her bra and underwear drawer and said, "It looks...

2 min read
Day 23: Super Socks
30 Day Spring Cleaning Challenge! Socks may seem like such a small thing - why bother organizing them?! I said the same thing until I did...

1 min read
Day 20: Hair Care
30 Day Spring Cleaning Challenge! Choose one hair care category to freshen up today in whatever way feels best to you! xo Spring Please...

1 min read
Day 19: Choose Your Own Decluttering Adventure!
30 Day Spring Cleaning Challenge! What's One Thing you can clear, clean or organize today? It can be letting go of one item, clearing one...

2 min read
Day 17: Makeup
30 Day Spring Cleaning Challenge! Today's One Thing is Makeup and Self Care Items. It's a great day to look through what you have and set...

2 min read
Day 16: Candles + Candle holders
30 Day Spring Cleaning Challenge! How do you store and use your candles? Are they ready to support your in an emergency? Are they ready...

2 min read
Day 15: Shower + Bath
30 Day Spring Cleaning Challenge! Today's One Thing is shower and bath supplies - any or all of them (this is your challenge after all!)....

2 min read
Day 14: First Aid + Medications
30 Day Spring Cleaning Challenge! Today's One Thing is first aid supplies... I did logistics for Outward Bound and have been an outdoor...

3 min read
Declutter Paper Piles
How to manage paper clutter one pile at a time... Raise your hand if you feel like papers are breeding when you're not looking! You're...

2 min read
Day 10: Leftover Love
30 Day Spring Cleaning Challenge! Today is the day to go through mystery containers in the refrigerator and either lose them or label...
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