30 day Spring Cleaning Challenge!

My Mum's closet
I did this with my Mum yesterday and we were both amazed at how quickly it went! I've done this with countless clients and friends and it works like magic when you cut through the mental chatter and just do it...
Here's what I recommend:
1 - Imagine what you want to feel like when you go out into the world, then picture what colors, styles and textures you're wearing.
2 - Clear off your bed
3 - Take alllll the hanging clothes out of your closet and lay them on your bed - in categories if possible (pants with pants, blouses with blouses, short sleeved shirts, etc). Cut through mental chatter and just do it :)
- if all the items seems too overwhelming, pick one category to do at a time, but know it won't have the same depth of results
⭐️ 4 - Pull out an item you LOVE and wear, then hold it to your body. Feel how it makes you feel - it doesn't matter what it looks like, just feel how much you love it ⭐️ Then hang that item up.
5 - Now go through each item and category and only hang back up what you truly want, fit and/or absolutely need to keep.
Try it on if needed, ask your Self questions like
When was the last time I wore this?
Do I like this?
Would I ACTUALLY wear this if the occasion came up?
6 - Try it on if needed, toss it in a box as soon as you hear "no" in your head.
7 - Return items to the closet in categories in a way that makes sense to you and that will help your Future Self out.
Make it look nice and inviting because, well, why not?! 🤩
I like to lessen visual clutter and only use two kinds of hangers - the white plastic ones and the black fabric ones with metal hangers (for slippery fabrics).
8 - Stand back, make tweaks, do a little dance and put on something fun to wear on this spring day! It's time to celebrate being alive 🌱😊
A LOT of things can come up with clothes, but don't let that stop you!
If you don't love your clothes, make notes of what you want and start looking for those kinds of items.
If you don't love your body so you don't love your clothes, make a commitment today to do One Thing to practice self love.
But whatever you do, let yourself cut through any mental chatter telling you "this is too hard!"
"Just do it now" is my favorite life motto right now. I usually find things aren't nearly as hard as I told myself they'd be!
Let me know how it goes!

Please remember that I'm here for you! Reach out if you have questions and/or you feel stuck.
There's no need to struggle with clutter anymore - you're not alone and I can help you feel better right away.
Text me at 360-265-2477, send me a personal message on Facebook or schedule a free coaching call with me here ($125 value)
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